- Inability to be without a relationship
- For some people, a tendency to trade sexual activity for “love” or attachment
- Confusion of sexual attraction with love at first sight
- Tolerance for high risk behavior
- Need for positive regard from lover
- Inner rage over lack of nurturing, early abandonment
- Highly manipulative and controlling of others
- Unrealistic expectations of others in relationships
- Mistaking intensity for intimacy (drama driven relationships)
- Sense of worthlessness without a relationship or partner
- Feeling isolated, detached from parents and family
- Lack of nurturing and attention when young
- Refusal to acknowledge existence of problem
- Outer façade of “having it all together” to hide
- Hidden Pain/Denial
- Inner rage over lack of nurturing
Love Addiction is about being obsessed with another person, wanting the other person to love the love addict into loving themselves and wanting the other person to take care of the love addict in some way. It is as though they, the love addict, wants the other person to “right the wrong from childhood” and they want the person that they are obsessed with to parent them.
One of the peculiar issues with love addiction is that the love addict is not “loving” the other person as he or she really is, but has fallen in love with a fantasy the love addict has made up about the other person. It is in this “fantasy” that the love addict actually objectifies the other person. When the other person does not live up to the fantasy, the love addict goes into withdrawal from the fantasy, not the other person.
The withdrawal is emotionally traumatic, in that the love addict feels suicidal and/or homicidal and panicked. In this state of mind, the love addict may act out forcefully to attempt to get the other person back into the fantasy.
Please feel free to call or contact me directly NOW for a confidential, complimentary telephone consultation about your concerns and to discuss your options.
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(818) 859-6766
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